Welcome to Cosmä Terra

Online & in-person Hybrid Healing modalities, Psychic/Channeled Readings & Consulting, as well as Education on our multi-dimensional nature and abilities, the cosmos, Earth and our evolutionary process.


A channeling, psychic reading, energy healing & mediumship session

A psychic & channeled reading through all aspects of Self (time, space & dimensions). To support your most alive needs, soul’s journey and for healing purpose. Personal life, health, family tree, relationships, work, contracts, purpose etc - an overall exploration through many areas to support you holistically.

An upgrade, clearing interferences, trans-generational energy healing and other lifetimes. Inter-dimensional healing, communication with passed away loved ones. A reading meeting healing, re-alignment and guidance for your incarnation.

Our Cosmic heritage
& ecosystem

Our era bridges the awareness of ancestral practises/wisdom, with innovative advanced science. These are now coupled with the awakening of our cosmic heritage and consciousness. Defying time and space. Integrated with the connectivity and oneness of the living frequencies, spirits that make our existence, Nature, Earth, the multi-dimensions and beyond.

At Cosmä Terra, we provide transformational experiences merging these symbiotic holistic principles. We aim to recalibrate our earthly and cosmic nature, in alignment with the ecosystem and the New Earth architecture. Reclaiming our true nature and history, in order to rewrite a coherent and aligned present and embodiment.


‘The Home Within’ Online & Live Program


Channeled/Psychic Consulting

For projects and homes around the globe. Marriage between channeling, psychic reading and clearing.

The Founder

Caroline is a channeler, medium and psychic healer - as well as designer and creative director. She reconnected with the ‘non-visible’, after a major life-event similar to a NDE in 2013.

She is now offering channeling, psychic & healing sessions, consultancy and educational tools, originated from various dimensions, our planet, galaxies and beyond. Implemented with 13 years of studies, cosmic remembrance and experience around the globe, in the vast world of holistic living, wellness and evolution.

The Boutique
